Thursday, June 22, 2006

From Java to ColdFusion

Yo, today officially I had been transferred from the Java (SD Team) to the ColdFusion(AM Team). I have been given 1day to familarized the whole thing. :'( It means that I need to learn a completely new language in one day. LOL.. New challenge.

Ok, these are the thing that I don't like about coldfusion. We don't install a testing server in our own PC. Thus, all the things that we developed are directly from the host server. Our editor/development tools would hang if the server gets busy. This is really annoying when you are rushing your work. (Although I don't have any work to rush yet)

The second thing is coldfusion don't follow the coding standard like the other language which you can easily differenciate between codes and html tags. For example,

$a = 4; //creating a variable to store value 4
The variable a contains value of <?php print $a; ?>

int a = 4; //creating a variable to store value 4
The variable a contains value of <%=a%>

*Thanks for the correction... Hehehe... I more used to output variable through salmon tags (SOFIA Framework)

Yet for coldfusion

<cfset a=4> <!---//creating a variable to store value 4 --->

The variable a contains value of #a#

Everything you need to put in the cfoutput tag in order to display the output of the variable. For the IfElse condition, coldfusion handle it in very different way too. For example a simple condition like this:


when it comes to coldfusion you need to write in this way,

<cfif a neq 0>
<cfset a=0>
<cfset a=1>

So you can see the difference? I also don't know why such new programming language can be so in-standard. Imaging you have more than 4000 lines of codes and all of it looks almost similar because all codes are in the tags. Seriously, I wonder why people say that coldfusion is easy to learn than other languages where other languages follow the standard. :S


Anonymous said...

you got it wrong la.

erm fren, < b>System.out.println()< /b> in JSP will output to the system console, which will be stored in the standard server stdout log file (either Tomcat or SJSAS). You need to use < b>out.println< /b> to output to the HTML page.
< p>
To illustrate your examples in a simpler way:< br>
< b>
< % int a=4;%>< br>
The value stored is < %=a%>.
< /b>
< >
You may also output similarly in PHP like: < r>
< >
The value stored is < ?=a?>
< /b>


littleway said...

blunder edited... thanks for clarification... XD