Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Switching to blogger BETA

Hmm.. I've switch to the beta version of blogger which seems to provides more flexibility. After switching to the BETA version, you have to discard your old templates and get it replaced by new templates. This is because the tags and the way they control each division are different now.

Last time I used to add things at the sidebar easily through the html template editor there which I can get full control of how I want it to looks like. However in the new BETA version, they renamed the whole things as widget. Each division at the sidebar are considered as a new widget. Hence if you want to add new widget, you need to use their template editor (not the html editor), then click on add new widget, after that choose the widget type that you wish to add, and finally you get what you want to add. The customizablity is quite low acutally unless you put everything using the javascript/html widget.

Another thing is when I ported the old template into this new template, the problem that I've faced are the background issue. No matter how I define it using CSS in the given <style> tag, the background is still white. After few minutes, finally I get to overrides it directly from the <body> tag. Aih.... During the process of trying, I have no idea how and when I accidentally remove the original blogger navigation tab and now I have no idea how to got it back. XD

Anyway, I like the label features though other blogs like wordpress has this kind of functionality long times ago. :P